National Early Careers Group

Anousha Khan

Anousha Khan

  • Position Past Chair

Anousha is a climate technology manager in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she works to promote alternatives to plastic in order to facilitate strategic implementation of UN SDG’s and meet net-zero carbon emission targets. She is on the technical committee for several energy conferences in the region and hopes to see more operational and technological breakthroughs in energy that account for the climate crisis.

Anousha is a member of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) youth forum where she collaborates with global leaders in highlighting the role of young people in identifying and developing solutions that can promote and accelerate the renewables-based energy transitions to achieve climate targets and other sustainable development goals.

Anousha also volunteers her time with an international sustainability start-up, SmallOutside, based in London, UK, which brings global innovators together to rethink business models and pave the way for sustainable ones.

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