Overview of the recent Technical Talk and Industry Insights event ran by London & South East YMF at University College London
An overview of the recent Get Chartered Event for Academics.
Interested in sharing your motivation behind becoming a chemical engineer, then consider entering the L&SEC YMF's first article writing competition.
London and South East Young Member's Group have been supporting activities to help celebrate diversity of female engineers to mark International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) 2019.
An overview of the recent YMF LSEC visit to Imperial College London's Carbon Capture Pilot Plant and ABB Control Room
This years Christmas technical lecture took place in UCL and 43 people attended. It was an extremely successful event as the lecture hall was at full capacity.
On 21 November 2018 the L&SE YMF organised an event at Imperial College London to inform academics across all levels on the Chartered Member application status.