Event archive
Community Impact Forum
Community Impact Forum focused on innovative fundraising and choosing technology tools to support your organisation.
Webinar: Transition from Undergraduate to Post Graduate Studies: Opportunities and Challenges
A one hour webinar hosted by IChemE's Education Special Interest Group.
Education Special Interest Group 2020 Annual Meeting
The meeting is open to all members of the Education Special Interest Group (EdSIG). EdSIG members can provide nominations for officers and positions within the committee.
Webinar: Web Interactive Tool - A New Approach in Undergraduate Teaching
A one hour webinar hosted by IChemE's Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Process Drawings
Midlands (UK)
This webinar covers an overview of the function, content, timing and use of block flow diagrams, process flow diagrams, process and instrumentation diagrams and equipment sketches for specification...
Webinar: Assessment – Lessons Learnt and Next Steps
A two hour webinar hosted by IChemE's Education Special Interest Group and HCEUK (Heads of Chemical Engineering UK).
Webinar: Engaging and Supporting Students Learning in Online Tutorial and Practice Sessions
A one hour webinar presented by the Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Blended Learning Workshop - Sharing Common Practice
A two hour webinar delivered by the Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Basics of Mathematical Models for Process Design and Decision-making
A one hour webinar from IChemE's Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Individual Peer Assessed Contribution to Group Work (IPAC)
A one hour webinar from IChemE's Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Online Collaborative Learning - Working with Teams Remotely
A one hour webinar from IChemE's Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Systems Engineering
New Zealand
IChemE in New Zealand would like to invite members to join a webinar presented by Rob Kirkpatrick on teaching Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Auckland University.