Event archive
Webinar: Chemical Engineering Education Online Symposium - The Next 100 Years of Education
A space for shaping the future of chemical engineering education together.
Teaching Core Chemical Engineering Principles – How Do We Incorporate Broader Concepts into a Full Curriculum?
A one-day workshop by the Pharma Special Interest Group for any academic or industrialist with interest in chemical engineering education.
Applying Project-based Learning: A Practical Workshop
A workshop for learning how to create project-based learning activities.
Design Project Workshop
This workshop examines the needs of key stakeholders (accreditation, academia, industry) for the delivery of design projects in both chemical and biochemical engineering departments.
Webinar: Chemical Process Engineering Design, Analysis, Simulation, Integration and Problem Solving with Excel-UniSim Software
A webinar hosted by the Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: People, Planet, Profits - How to Implement Triple Bottom Line in an Operating Company?
A webinar hosted by the Education Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Ten Thousand Years of Chemical Engineering
Hull and Humber (UK)
In a prelude to IChemE’s centenary celebrations, IChemE Fellow Martin Pitt charts the influence of chemical engineering since the dawn of civilisation.
Webinar: Fair Slice of the Pie: A Model for Managing Academic Workload in 21st Century Higher Education
Hull and Humber (UK)
A mathematical solution for managing academic workload.
Webinar: Shaping the Future of Chemical Engineering Education
Please join us for the second ChemEng Evolution webinar, celebrating IChemE's centenary.
Webinar: Maximising the Value of People - Fundamental Skills for Engineers to Optimise
Tyneside (UK)
This webinar is a journey for engineers to step outside their comfort zone and an opportunity to think of things in a different way; perhaps even to break down unspoken barriers between departments.
Webinar: EdSIG Committee and 4wardFutures
A webinar hosted by IChemE's Education Special Interest Group and 4wardFutures.
Webinar: Planning Decarbonisation with Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis (CEPA)
A webinar hosted by IChemE's Education Special Interest Group.