Energy and climate action

Climate change action plans

The desire to have IChemE recognised as a peer leader in driving action on climate change is a key part of the Learned Society Committee’s (LSC) ambitions in the responsible production priority topic.

The LSC invited IChemE’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Member Groups (MGs) and other member communities to develop action plans on how chemical engineers can help mitigate climate change. The plans that have been finalised are available to view below.

IChemE’s groups and communities were asked to identify in these action plans how climate change impacts their technical or geographical area and what positive impacts their sector can have on the Paris Agreement goals, covering such areas as:

  • where strategic technical improvement may be required, including the roadmap towards implementation of these improvements
  • where there are gaps in chemical engineering education both in undergraduate studies and in post-graduate careers, addressing both upskilling and transitioning skilling for those in industries in decline as a result of climate change
  • what interfaces with other institutions and policy makers should be considered and developed, and how we can encourage societal change.