
The Sustainability Hub has a growing collection of on-demand training courses ready for you to further your knowledge and understanding around subjects that can contribute to sustainable development. These courses are currently offered free of charge to IChemE members and for purchase by non-members. 

Our courses are designed specifically for chemical engineers. They are delivered online, completed at your own pace, and allow you to learn interactively in bite-sized chunks.

Watch the Training: Ethical Decision Making video where IChemE Past President Jane Cutler explains the importance of making ethical decisions.


On-demand courses

Food Structures for a Sustainable World

Understanding and manipulating food microstructures is essential for achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). This course explores how promoting and achieving sustainable methods in the food industry supports SDG2 (zero hunger), SDG3 (good health and wellbeing) and SDG13 (climate action).

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Sustainable Process Integration for Cleaner Process Design

A process plant

By making use of PI chemical engineers can design cleaner, more sustainable processes that reduce consumption, ensure maximum recovery of resources and reduce harmful emissions in process plants, in order to help achieve the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs).

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The Circular Economy for Chemical Engineers

Hands holding globe surrounded by circular economy icons

Traditional business models in the process industry are primarily based around a linear consumption model. This course will help chemical engineers understand the circular economy in the process industry as well as their role and responsibilities within material flow systems. 

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The Human Water Cycle: Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

Waste water treatment plant

Chemical engineers have a role to play in optimising water and wastewater treatment and in minimising their impact on the environment. This course covers the why, what and how of not only treatment, but water as a whole, through the human water cycle.

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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Chemical Engineers

Charts and graphs with pen on table

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a systematic tool that evaluates environmental impacts over the life cycle of a product or service. As the Sustainability Hub assists chemical engineers in supporting the UN Sustainability Development Goals, this training course will be a key knowledge strand that has the potential to influence them all. 

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An Introduction to Sustainability

Hand holding mobile phone surrounded by sustainability icons

It is important that chemical engineers have a basic understanding of sustainability and their role in it. This course will provide you with an introduction to the key issues and help you to achieve your sustainability goals. 

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Ethical Decision-Making for Chemical Engineers

Feet on tarmac with right and wrong either side

Ethical decision-making is a vital part of a chemical engineer’s responsibility.  This course will equip you with the basic knowledge you need to understand and make ethical decisions.

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Coming soon to the Sustainability Hub

  • Role and Responsibility of Chemical Engineers in Achieving Net Zero

Associated courses

Complementing the Sustainability Hub courses above, you may also be interested in the following more in-depth IChemE sustainable process engineering training courses:

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