Stage 3: Professional Review
Stage 3: Professional Review
What is a Professional Review?
The Professional Review is the final stage of our application process for Technician Member, Associate Member with IEng registration, or Chartered Member. The professional review stage uses the assessment framework used in Stage 2, but with the addition of a new section covering continuing professional development (CPD). The professional review expects you to have progressed beyond being able to show professional experience, instead being able to evidence competency. Stage 3 also considers your commitment to professional standards and CPD.
How do I complete Stage 3?
Before you can submit a Stage 3 application you must first complete Stage 1 and Stage 2. Unlike Stages 1 and 2, which offer different assessment routes, all those applying for Stage 3 undergo the same assessment. The first part is a written submission, which includes a Competence and Commitment Report. The second part is a professional review interview in which your experience can be discussed with you.
Successfully completing a Stage 3 application concludes the assessment process, with the grades and/or registrations being awarded.

#1 Prepare your application
When planning your application you will need to prepare and collate the following documents: Competence and Commitment (C&C) Report; verification of the C&C report; CV; photo ID. If you are applying for Chartered membership you will also need to provide appropriate references.
Further guidance on preparing your application >>
#2 Submit your application
For Stage 3, our assessment works to a three-month cycle from the application deadline to the election decision. It is important that both the applicant and the reviewers are available during the cycle so that we are able to adhere to the schedule. All applicants are asked to check the three-month cycle dates prior to submitting their application, specifically the report revision (in case you are asked to revise your report) and interview dates.
Check the professional review cycle dates >>
Chartered Member - To submit a Stage 3 application for Chartered Member, please visit the membership application portal. When completing your application your responses to each area of the C&C report can be entered into the online application form ready for you to submit. If you have been using the preparatory template to compile your submission, this information can be copied and pasted into your application. You will also be able to upload the supporting documents.
Access the membership application portal >>
Technician Member - To submit a Stage 3 application for Technician Member, your submission can be emailed to the membership team. The membership team will confirm that your submission is complete and contact you regarding payment of the application fee.
Submit your application by email >>
#3 Application review
Ahead of the upcoming assessment cycle, we will contact you to confirm that your application has been accepted and send you an interview date (subject to professional reviewer availability). We will also share your application with our reviewers for review ahead of your interview.
If your report is assessed as satisfactory, you will be sent further details about the interview.
Should the reviewers identify aspects of your report that require revision prior to interview, you will receive feedback on the revisions required. You will then have two weeks within which to revise, re-verify, and return the C&C report. It is important that the two-week deadline is met so your application can proceed within the relevant cycle. If the deadline is not met, your application may be closed.
#4 Professional Review Interview
Your interview will primarily focus on your C&C report and will last approximately one hour. Typically, the interview will be conducted by the same professional reviewers who assessed your C&C report and therefore have a thorough understating of your application. For Chartered Member the interview is a requirement of the application process. For Technician Member applications the interview is at the reviewer's discretion, should they feel it will assist them in making their assessment.
Further information on the Professional Review Interview >>
#5 Application outcomes
The assessors will discuss your C&C report and interview to reach an agreement on whether or not you have shown that you meet the requirements for the grade/registration that you have applied for. This decision will be considered at a Virtual Election Panel meeting, which is part of our standards and moderation process, after which you will be informed of the decision. The dates of outcome decisions are listed as part of each three-month cycle.
If successful, you will be informed of the decision and, if applicable, asked to pay the CEng, IEng, or EngTech registration fees so that we can register you with Engineering Council. A welcome letter, certificate and membership card will be sent in due course
If you have not been successful in your application, you will be sent detailed feedback that can aid you in your professional development and future applications.