Palm Oil Processing

More about POPSIG

  1. This page will give a better insight about POPSIG, palm oil and process safety industries.
  2. POPSIG celebrates 5th Anniversary: 5 Years of Excellence on 3 August 2020.

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Process Safety Next in Palm Oil Processing Industry

This presentation was delivered by IChemE POPSIG Chair - Hong Wai Onn - at 8th RPSS in March 2019. The 8th RPSS (Regional Process Safety Seminar) was held by IChemE Malaysia from 19 to 20 March 2019 at InterContinental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. The theme was "The Future of Process Safety". There were 75 participants and 8 papers were presented, including keynote presentation. At the end of seminar, there was an interactive case study workshop conducted by Trish Kerin, Director of IChemE Safety Centre, focusing on the principles of Inherently Safer Design. Hong Wai Onn was one of the keynote speakers, and he spoke on “Process Safety Next in Palm Oil Processing Industry”. His paper was presented with real-time feedback that enabled participants to feedback and response to questions anonymously. In one of the live interactive sessions, it’s was no surprise that “cooking oil” was the most opted answer to the question of what comes to mind when you think about products containing palm oil? Hong covered not only the palm oil industry outlook, but also process safety landscape across palm oil processing value chain, from upstream to downstream. He also shared the principle of C3 to explain why incidents still happen: poorly maintained condition, low level of competence, and lack of commitment. Hong stressed also the need of Process Safety Next framework which could help the palm oil processing processors stay agile and accelerate, and put process safety front and center, by leveraging the strength of internet of things. There were coupled of reflections received throughout the session and Hong will address these in a separate article.

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Make "MY Palm Oil" a great brand

The Edge has published an article written by Ir. Qua Kiat Seng - the Founder of POPSIG - titled "Make MY Palm Oil a great brand" on 25 March 2019.

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