Hazards Process Safety Conference
Plenary speakers
Andrew Curran
Plenary speaker - New Technologies, Developments and Energy Transition
Professor Andrew Curran CBE joined the Health and Safety Executive in 1991. He has held a number of technical and leadership positions in both HSE and its previous agency, the Health and Safety Laboratory. He is currently the Director of Science, Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of the Science and Engineering Profession for HSE.
Marlene Kanga
Plenary speaker - Trevor Kletz Lecture: the challenges facing the process industries
Dr Marlene Kanga is a Chartered Chemical Engineer, an Honorary Fellow of IChemE and an experienced Chair and non-executive Director.
Fiona Macleod
Plenary speaker - Bhopal, 40 years on
Fiona Macleod is Professor of Process Safety at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield. She grew up in Scotland and has worked in the chemical, pharmaceutical and power industries all over the world. She is currently Chair of the IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin editorial panel.
Clinton McDonald
Plenary speaker - Safety and the Energy Transition – What Changes and What Doesn’t
Clinton McDonald is VP Process & Operational Safety at bp.
Mike Nicholas
Plenary speaker - Natech events, the risks to process safety and the environment
Mike is a climate change adaptation and process safety expert at the Environment Agency.