Clean Energy
Event archive
Past events organised by the Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Update on UK Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge and The Role of Hydrogen in Achieving Net Zero
Clean Energy
This talk will introduce and describe Industrial Cluster Decarbonisation projects under way across the UK.
Webinar: Heat Pumps Role in Future Global Energy Demand
Clean Energy
This talk will introduce the merits of MAN’s large scale high-temperature heat-pumps for hot water and steam production.
Webinar: Lithium Extraction for Battery Manufacture
North Lancashire (UK)
An overview of pilot scale lithium extraction.
Webinar: Policy and the Energy Transition
USA and Canada
How does the United State and Canada policy catalyse the energy transition?
The European Conference on Fuel and Energy Research and its Applications
Sheffield (UK)
The 2nd FERIA Conference: bringing together all those with interests in fuel and energy research.
Premiere of the Documentary 'Nuclear Now'
London and South East Coast (UK)
A unique opportunity to watch this documentary film on the big screen and discuss with others.
Webinar: Clean Energy Medal 2023 Presentation and Webinar on Harnessing Solar Energy Through Catalysis to Make Chemicals and Fuels
Clean Energy
This webinar will present the Clean Energy Medal 2023 to Professor Rose Amal.
Webinar: Warner Medal Presentation to Dr Massimiliano Materazzi and Webinar on Waste to Hydrogen and Fuels: a Fast Track to Net Zero
Clean Energy
This webinar will present the Warner Medal to Dr Massimiliano Materazzi.
Webinar: Advances in Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collectors
Clean Energy
A one-hour webinar from the Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
Webinar: The Role of Hydrogen in Meeting Net Zero Carbon Emissions and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
Clean Energy
This webinar will give an overview on how LCA could yield a universally credible assessment of hydrogen vs alternatives.
Webinar: Gravitricity – Storing Energy Below Ground
Clean Energy
This webinar will give an overview on how gravity batteries and compressed hydrogen can offer energy storage solutions.
Webinar: Clean Energy Special Interest Group Annual Meeting
Clean Energy
The Clean Energy Special Interest Group annual meeting will include a review on the past year and plans for 2023/24.