Clean Energy
Event archive
Past events organised by the Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrochemical Technologies from Ceres, Driving Profit with Purpose – Engineering a Low-carbon Future
Clean Energy
A one hour webinar presented by IChemE Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
Webinar: The Renewable Energy Revolution Down Under: Implications for Hybrid Clean Energy Systems
Clean Energy
A one hour webinar hosted by IChemE's Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Scrubbed Horizontal Films for Gas Cleaning
Environment and Clean Technology
A one hour webinar presented by the Environment Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Managing Creeping Changes on Manufacturing Assets
Hull and Humber (UK)
A one hour webinar hosted by the Hull and Humber Members Group.
Webinar: Air - The Basics
Environment and Clean Technology
A one hour webinar presented by the Environment Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Hydrogen Compendium Online Launch
Clean Energy
A one hour webinar delivered by the Clean Energy Special Interest Group.
Webinar: HyDeploy Update: Hydrogen Blending on Public Networks
Clean Energy
A one-hour webinar organised by IChemE Special Interest Group on Clean Energy.
Webinar: Compressed Air Energy Storage: Solving Many Challenges for Net Zero Grids
Clean Energy
We will discuss the lessons learned from the world-wide first advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (AA-CAES) pilot plant in Loderio, Switzerland and the path to commercialization.
Operation of a Carbon Capture and Storage Network – a primer
Clean Energy
A one hour webinar from the Clean Energy Special Interest Group
Technical Visit to Ceres Power - Postponed
Clean Energy
The Clean Energy Special Interest Group invite you to join them for a visit to Ceres Power in Horsham.
European Focus on Biomass and Waste Gasification
Clean Energy
Join the Clean Energy Special Interest Group for their upcoming one-hour webinar presentation.
Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES): busting myths and fixing misunderstandings
Clean Energy
A one-hour webinar presentation from the Clean Energy Special Interest Group on Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) systems.