Palm Oil Processing
Event archive
Please visit webinar archive section for the recordings, or email to Please put the subject of the email as "Webinar Recording".
Seminar: Sustainable and Circular Economy in Palm Oil Global Outlook
Palm Oil Processing
A seminar hosted by the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Liquid Biofuel Production from Biogas for Carbon Neutral
Palm Oil Processing
A webinar hosted by the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group.
Symposium: RSPO-Monash Joint Symposium 2023
Palm Oil Processing
The RSPO-Monash Joint Symposium will include oral presentations, panel sessions, and poster presentations. POPSIG is the event partner.
Palm International Nutra-Cosmeceutical Conference
Palm Oil Processing
A conference hosted by MPOC, supported by POPSIG.
Webinar: MPOC Digital Market Forum - Analyzing Palm Oil Prospect and Potentials - 2023 and Beyond
Palm Oil Processing
A digital market forum hosted by Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC), supported by POPSIG.
Webinar: Journey Towards Achieving Zero Liquid Discharge for Palm Oil Mill
Palm Oil Processing
A webinar hosted by the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Process for Simultaneous Production of Functional Ingredients and Biofuels from Unused Resources in Palm Oil Refinery
Palm Oil Processing
A webinar hosted by the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group.
Webinar: Celebrating Women in Engineering Day
Aberdeen (UK)
A webinar to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day.
Webinar: Enzymatic Approach for the Production of Healthy Functional Oils
Palm Oil Processing
A webinar hosted by the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group.
Sustain Our World Hybrid Camp 2023
Palm Oil Processing
A hybrid camp hosted by IChemE-UiTM SC, in collaboration with POPSIG.
Hydrogen Enriched Syngas Production Derived from Co-gasification of Palm Oil Biomass and Plastic Waste Mixtures
Palm Oil Processing
A webinar hosted by the Palm Oil Processing Special Interest Group.
POPSIG University Roadshow @ USM 2023
Palm Oil Processing
A POPSIG-MPOC Palm Oil Educational Roadshow hosted by USM ChESS, supported by POPSIG and MPOC.