Confirm your route for Stage 1

To confirm your route for Stage 1, your qualifications need to be checked to see if they are accredited and, if they are, at which level. 

Check your qualifications

You may wish to check if your qualifications are listed on various databases. However, we strongly advise sharing your qualification information with our membership team who will be happy to check these for you. For us to check your qualifications and confirm your route for Stage 1, please complete the Stage 1 enquiry form.

Confirm your route

Share your qualification information with us and we'll confirm your route for Stage 1.

Complete the form

We recommend contacting us for a qualification check. We'll confirm your route and provide guidance on your next steps.

Qualifications that provide exemption

Listed below are the qualifications that provide Stage 1 exemptions.

Fully exempt at Chartered level

The following qualifications provide full exemption from further assessment at Stage 1 for Chartered Member (or Associate Member).

Qualifications accredited by IChemE are listed on the Engineering Council's database. 

  • an undergraduate qualification accredited at 'CEng (Full)'; or
  • an undergraduate qualification accredited at 'CEng (Requires Further Learning)' and a postgraduate qualification accredited at 'CEng (Is Further Learning)'.

International Engineering Alliance
You studied a chemical engineering qualification that is: 

  • accredited under the Washington Accord, and started your course started before 1 September 1999
  • accredited under the Washington Accord, and started your course started on or after 1 September 1999 and a postgraduate qualification accredited at 'CEng (Is Further Learning)'.

You studied a chemical engineering qualification that is recognised by ENGINEERS EUROPE and a postgraduate qualification accredited at 'CEng (Is Further Learning)'.

Note: 'Full', 'Requires Further Learning', and 'Is Further Learning' are descriptions on the Engineering Council's Recognised Course Search.

Fully exempt at Associate Member level / partially exempt at Chartered Member level

The following qualifications provide full exemption from further assessment at Stage 1 for Associate Member. If you are working towards Chartered Member then you will need to follow the Individual Case Procedure route for Stage 1, where your qualifications will be recognised.

Qualifications accredited by IChemE are listed on the Engineering Council's database. 

  • an undergraduate qualification accredited at CEng (Requires Further Learning); or
  • an undergraduate qualification accredited at 'IEng (Full)'.

International Engineering Alliance
You studied a chemical engineering qualification that is:

  • accredited under the Washington Accord, and started your course started on or after 1 September 1999
  • accredited under the Sydney Accord.

You studied a chemical engineering qualification that is recognised by ENGINEERS EUROPE.

Note: 'Full' and 'Requires Further Learning' are descriptions on the Engineering Council's Recognised Course Search.

Fully exempt at Technician Member level

The following qualifications provide full exemption from further assessment at Stage 1 for Technician Member.

Qualifications accredited by IChemE are listed on the Engineering Council's database. 

  • an undergraduate qualification accredited at IEng (Requires Further Learning); or
  • an undergraduate qualification accredited at EngTech (Full).

International Engineering Alliance
You studied a chemical engineering qualification that is accredited under the Dublin Accord.

Note: 'Full' and 'Requires Further Learning' are descriptions on the Engineering Council's Recognised Course Search.

View the accredited qualification registers

If you would like view the accreditation status of your qualifications, the registers below can be used to determine if you have full or partial exemption from Stage 1.

IChemE via Engineering Council

IChemE accredits qualifications under license from the Engineering Council, with all accredited qualifications being listed on Engineering Council's online database. Check your qualifications by using Engineering Council's Recognised course search.

International Engineering Alliance

The International Engineering Alliance (IEA) oversees three international agreements which govern the recognition of engineering educational qualifications - the Washington, Sydney, and Dublin Accords. Check your qualifications by using IEA's qualification checker.


ENGINEERS EUROPE is a federation of professional engineers that unites national engineering associations from 33 European Higher Education Area countries. They facilitate the mutual recognition of engineering qualifications in Europe with accredited qualifications being listed on their online database. Check your qualifications on ENGINEERS EUROPE's database.