Stage 1: Educational Base
Stage 1: Educational Base
What is an Educational Base?
Each membership grade requires a different level of underpinning knowledge and understanding. Your educational base is the knowledge and understanding you have developed through academic qualifications, in-employment training, professional experience, etc. At Stage 1 we assess your educational base to see if you meet the requirements for the grade you are working towards.
For those working towards Technician Member, Associate Member with IEng registration, or Chartered Member, Stage 1: Educational Base is one of three assessment stages. Those who would like to become an Associate Member without IEng registration need only meet the relevant educational grade requirements.
How do I complete Stage 1?
There are two routes through which you can demonstrate that you have met the educational base requirements - Individual Case Procedure route and Exemption route. The Individual Case Procedure route allows applicants to share their academic and work-place learning for assessment against a grade's educational base requirements. If you have studied accredited qualifications that fully meet the requirements the exemption route enables you to confirm your qualifications to us and complete Stage 1 without further assessment.

Confirm your route
We work with universities, colleges, and apprenticeship scheme providers to assess the qualifications they award. In addition, as an Engineering Council licensed body, we recognise qualifications delivered by organisations that have been accredited under the Washington, Sydney, and Dublin Accords, or by ENGINEERS EUROPE.
Before applying it is important that you check your qualifications with us so that you follow the correct application route.
Review the grade requirements, check your qualifications and confirm your route >>
Route 1 - Exemption through accredited qualifications
If your qualifications are accredited at the required level, meeting the educational base requirements, you will be able to complete Stage 1 by providing us with photos or certified copies of your academic qualification certificates.
View the requirements for certificates >>
Chartered Member - If you are working toward Chartered Member you should join as / upgrade to Associate Member. Through your application, we will review your certificates and record your educational base.
Visit the membership application portal >>
Associate Member - If you would like to apply to become an Associate Member, you can apply for this grade directly.
Visit the membership application portal >>
Technician Member - If you are already in membership and are working towards Technician Member you can email your certificates to us for review. We will update your membership record to confirm that you have met the educational base for Technician membership.
Submit certified copies of your certificates for Stage 1 assessment >>
If you are not currently in membership, you will need to join in order to upgrade to Technician Member. Please visit the membership application portal and join as an Affiliate Member - through your application we will review your certificates and record your educational base.
Visit the membership application portal >>
Route 2 - Individual Case Procedure
The purpose of the Individual Case Procedure is to demonstrate that you have the knowledge and understanding equivalent to those attained during study for an accredited chemical engineering qualification.
Part i - Technical Biography
The first part of the Individual Case Procedure route is the submission of a Technical Biography. This is an opportunity for you to provide details of your academic qualifications, including transcripts and certified copies of certificates, and evidence of work-based learning.
Your submission will be assessed against the relevant educational base requirements. If it is evident that you meet the requirements then you will have successfully completed Stage 1. If there are aspects of your knowledge and understanding that the assessors would like more information about before they can complete your Stage 1 assessment, you will be asked to complete part ii of the Individual Case Procedure route - the Technical Report Questionnaire.
Read more about the Technical Biography >>
Part ii - Technical Report Questionnaire
The Technical Report Questionnaire is a direct follow-on from the Technical Biography, working to the same requirements. If, having reviewed your Technical Biography, our assessors require additional information to complete their evaluation of your educational base then you will be asked to complete a Technical Report Questionnaire. You will be provided with a list of specific areas from your Technical Biography to revise or expand upon.
After your Technical Report Questionnaire has been accepted you will be invited to an interview.
Read more about the Technical Report Questionnaire >>
Confirm your route
Share your qualification information with us and we'll confirm your route for Stage 1.
Complete the form