The three-stage assessment process explained
IChemE uses a three-stage assessment process linked to Engineering Council's requirements for professional registration as an Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), or Chartered Engineer (CEng).
Our Technician Member and Chartered Member grades are aligned with the requirements for EngTech and CEng, respectively. To become a Technician Member or Chartered Member, with optional EngTech or CEng registration, you must successfully complete a three-stage assessment at the relevant level.
Requirements for our Associate Member grade align with the educational base requirements for IEng. To become an Associate Member, you must successfully complete Stage 1 at IEng level. For optional IEng registration, you must also successfully complete Stages 2 and 3 at IEng level.
Assessment process overview

"The application process has enabled me to achieve Chartered status in a well structured and timely manner."
Stage 1: Educational Base
Each membership grade requires a different level of underpinning knowledge and understanding. Your educational base is the knowledge and understanding you have developed through academic qualifications, in-employment training, professional experience, etc. At Stage 1 we assess your educational base to see if you meet the requirements for the grade you are working towards.
More on Stage 1: Educational Base >>
Stage 2: Initial Professional Development
Your initial professional development is where you learn to apply your knowledge and understanding, develop your skills, and gain the experience required to help you become professionally qualified. At Stage 2 we assess your on-the-job activities and training against an assessment framework to see if you have the required breadth of experience.
More on Stage 2: Initial Professional Development >>
Stage 3: Professional Review
The professional review stage follows the assessment framework used in Stage 2 but with the addition of a new section covering continuing professional development (CPD). The professional review looks for you to have progressed beyond experience and be able to evidence your competency, as well as your commitment to professional standards and CPD.
More on Stage 3: Professional Review >>
Stage 1 and Stage 2 assessments can be completed in any order. Once you have successfully completed them both you will be able to progress to Stage 3.