The SIESO Medal seeks to raise awareness of process safety among science, business, and engineering students.

The medal was launched early 2019 following a donation from SIESO (a society that Shared Information and Experience for Safer Operation) who ceased operations in 2018 and bequeathed the bulk of its reserves to IChemE.

The medal will be awarded annually to an individual or team of students (up to a maximum of six members) for the best presentation of a major accident and the learning outcomes. Applications are sought from all students anywhere in the world, including under or postgraduate; full or part-time; in chemical engineering or other subjects.

Prize money is £750 and an allowance of up to £250 towards travel expenses to attend a relevant awards presentation.

Entries will be considered by the editorial panel of the Loss Prevention Bulletin (LPB) who will recommend a winner to IChemE’s Medals and Prizes Committee.

Criteria this medal will be judged against are:

  1. accuracy
  2. quality and appeal
  3. engagement and impact
  4. novelty and inventiveness
  5. suitability for publishing on the LPB website, use of LBP/other process safety reference material
  6. teamwork (cross-discipline teams encouraged).

How to enter

To enter, download the entry form and complete the information requested to be sent along with the original material (graphic, animation, video, podcast, paper or other), paying attention to the criteria the medal will be judged against and previous winning entries. Please return the completed form to by the closing date.

Contact for more information.

Medal winners 2019—2022